We are you. The AIGA HRVA Board is made up of a small team of designers from across the seven cities who use their time and talents to move our association forward. There is no special requirement for serving other than a belief in the power of design as a force for change, and the desire to give back to our community.

Board of Directors


Bria Hughes

Vice President
Ken FitzGerald

Community Outreach & Engagement
Seth Woodies

Design Director
Aliya Walton

Lanny Domino

Open Positions


Open Board Position
Communications Director
The Communications Director is responsible for keeping our membership and community informed about the happenings of the Chapter and AIGA. They oversee all outgoing Chapter communications from printed materials to web content to social media. The Events Team relies heavily on the Communications Director to properly promote upcoming Chapter events with their Communication Team. 
Open Board Position
Operations Director
The Operations Director moderates all Board meetings and annual Chapter Board Retreats (along with President), serves as a liaison between the Executive Board and individual Board members and develops strategies and initiatives for Chapter growth along with the Membership Director.

Open Board Position
Membership Director
The Membership Director oversees the growth of our Chapter’s membership. They are responsible for encouraging new memberships, as well as, helping with the needs of our existing membership. 

Open Board Position
Programming Director
The Programming Director works with all Board members to plan an annual calendar that reflects the Chapter?s activities. They develop and produce quality and profitable programming; works closely with fellow board members to produce successful programs; oversee and assist Programming Chairs with planning of their events, particularly establishing and tracking of event budgets (work with Bookkeeper), and time management; and assist in securing speakers, sponsors and venues when needed.
Open Board Position
The Secretary facilitates communications within the Board. They act as a historian/archivist for the Chapter, records meeting minutes and oversees all Chapter documentation. Responsibilities include: Develop and manage strategies and initiatives to facilitate smooth communication within the Board, record Board meeting minutes and post to Asana, manage and facilitate a monthly ?between meetings?Board update, manage and maintain all Chapter documents, archive all Chapter materials.

Open Board Position
Education Director
The Education Director promotes and expands regional student and faculty participation in the design community, serving as a liaison between AIGA National, AIGA-HR and Student Group Faculty Advisors. Manage the program for Portfolio Review. Remain up-to-date and implement the Emerge Initiative within the Chapter.