The Happy Film

About the film

Can you impact on your own happiness? Most of us have grappled with career goals, relationships and even our own happiness. But how many of us have taken the time to really explore what can make us happy? Would it be meditation, therapy, drugs, or something else? Could you achieve happiness by design?

New York-based designer Stefan Sagmeister lives in the city of his dreams, creating work for the Rolling Stones and Jay-Z. He’s got his own highly successful design firm, he’s a two-time Grammy winner, and he has had design projects and museum exhibitions shown around the world. Yet, he suspects there must be more to life.

Turning himself into a design project, he attempts to change his personality to become a better person. And in the process he takes us on a personal journey to find out what causes happiness. Things don't go as planned.

► Watch the trailer

Event Details

This free screening of The Happy Film brought to you by AIGA Hampton Roads & Grow.

Seats will be on a first-come-first-serve basis, so register today to claim your spot.

When & Where
Wed, Jun 21, 2017 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM EDT
Slover Library
235 East Plume Street
Norfolk, VA 23510