Title: The Currency of Passion
Location: Virginia Beach Convention Center
Date/Time: Thursday, February 6, 2014 11:30am-1:00pm
The key to success for the world’s most profitable and beloved brands is passion. How can your brand increase and sustain the passion of your employees and customers? A company’s human resource – its people – is the most important asset it has. Customers and employees are the backbone of every organization. So why is it that so many businesses struggle to create a quality experience for their customers?
By creating an intimate and human atmosphere in the workplace, companies create that same experience for their customers. Think about when you have encountered passionate employees and how did that make you feel about the company where they worked?
Our February keynote speaker, Dr. Rachel Talton, will share insight from her interviews with over 100 executives representing some of the strongest brands in the US like Microsoft, PNC Bank and Sherwin Williams. Her leading-edge research addresses the challenges and opportunites every CEO and head of marketing faces in light of constant changes in the marketplace such as the proliferation of Big Data, Social Media, and global competition. Dr. Talton’s research will illuminate the power of brand passion to help companies of all sizes meet these challenges and thrive.
This research has yielded insights for her upcoming book, “The Currency of Passion: How World Class Brands Drive Beyond Customer Loyalty to Shareholder Value.” It is the foundation for a proprietary methodology to leverage critical elements within any organization to build passion and grow brand equity.
Attend HRAMA’s next big event Thursday February 6th to learn how your company can use the six dimensions of brand uncovered in this research to maximize your unique competitive advantage and increase the passion of your employees to increase the passion your customers have for your business.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Talton is CEO of Synergy, a brand strategy and marketing research consultancy that helps organizations improve market share, share of wallet and share of heart. Synergy’s proprietary process aligns the Five Dimensions of Brand Experience™ using rigorous research, and resulting in dramatically improved long-term corporate profitability – and customer passion. In addition to Dr. Talton’s success as an entrepreneur, she is a sought-after keynote speaker, author and scholar.
Dr. Talton is also CTO (Chief Transformation Officer) of the Dr. Rachel, LLC family of brands, including Dr. Rachel SPEAKS. She designed the signature offering of The Transformation Immersion™, a 3-day intensive retreat, where her team uses extensive backgrounds in behavioral sciences and business strategy to provide insight, inspiration, and help executives drive toward transformation to THRIVE.